Seagrass Restoration
We’re proud to be one of the key partners in a large-scale habitat conservation project led by Natural England, which will see 5 Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) safeguarded for future generations.
Our Seagrass Lab
We’ve built a purpose-built seagrass laboratory here at the National Marine Aquarium – our centre of Ocean excellence, in Plymouth – where we’re cultivating up to 25,000 plants a year.

The aim is to restore 4 hectares of lost seagrass meadows in the Plymouth Sound SAC, and repeat the work in the Solent Maritime SAC, work has already started following our first seed collection.
Our lab is open for public viewing to allow Aquarium visitors to see the plant cultivation in action whilst learning more about the importance of seagrass. The lab facilitates the growing of seedlings for transplantation allow us to re-wild and regrow this critical habitat.
Find more about our charity’s seagrass restoration work here:
Find out moreThe National Marine Aquarium (NMA) is the UK’s National Aquarium, located in Britain’s Ocean City, Plymouth. We are proudly the home of the Ocean Conservation Trust, a charity dedicated to connecting people with the Ocean.
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