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Our journey so far…

There has been an aquarium in Plymouth since 1888. Initially housed at the British Marine Biological Association, a new much larger aquarium was built in the historic barbican district in 1997 and was designated the National Marine Aquarium, the place we now call home. 

Our Aquarium was the first in the UK to be set up as a charity dedicated to education and conservation. Years later that charity evolved into the Ocean Conservation Trust.

We work around the world restoring Ocean habitats and inspiring people to be more pro-Ocean in their behaviour.

The National Marine Aquarium being opened by the Duke of Edinburgh in 1998

But our journey has just begun…

The next steps for our Aquarium and our charity are up to you. A visit to our Aquarium would not only be a fun experience for you, but a way to support the Ocean for years to come.

The National Marine Aquarium (NMA) is the UK’s National Aquarium, located in Britain’s Ocean City, Plymouth. We are proudly the home of the Ocean Conservation Trust, a charity dedicated to connecting people with the Ocean.

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