Our Charity
Our Aquarium was the first UK aquarium set up specifically to further learning, research and conservation of the marine environment.
Our Aquarium is run by the Ocean Conservation Trust, we exist to protect and restore the Ocean. We are acting now towards our vision of a healthy, thriving Ocean.
Our charity’s work is centred around people and positive action, together they will be what shapes our Ocean for the future.
As our charity is all about people, through our work we have connected over six million people with the Ocean in our Aquarium and delivered forty thousand curriculum linked education sessions.

Then and now, the Ocean Conservation Trust team recognise that to many, the Ocean is out of sight and out of mind. Understanding of the current state of Ocean health or of the impact that our behaviour is having is limited.
Ocean waters and the animals and habitats that live beneath are under threat, and we are responsible. But we know that, if we work together, we can all be part of the solution and create a healthier Ocean.
Over the decades, we have delivered global Ocean conservation projects, connected millions of people with the Ocean and worked to protect many different species of animals and habitats – making the Ocean Conservation Trust a leader in people focused conservation.
And we continue to act. Now is the time for us all to Think Ocean. A healthy Ocean means a healthy planet, for all life.
The National Marine Aquarium (NMA) is the UK’s National Aquarium, located in Britain’s Ocean City, Plymouth. We are proudly the home of the Ocean Conservation Trust, a charity dedicated to connecting people with the Ocean.
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