We have had two new arrivals at the National Marine Aquarium in 2020 – two spotted eagle ray pups were born in September and it has been an exciting journey to watch them grow! Check out this video:

Coco and Cruz are the fourth litter of eagle ray pups to be successfully bred at the Aquarium. 

The amazing husbandry team offer the rays round the clock attention and care, teaching them skills which are important in an Aquarium setting such as target feeding.

The video highlights Coco and Cruz learning the basics of feeding from a platform.

Target training is important as it allows the team to best care for the rays as it teaches them how to take vitamins, it reduces stress when weighing each animal and the husbandry team knows exactly how much food the rays have eaten which keeps them healthy.

We look forward to watching you grow to adults Coco and Cruz!

For more information on our charity’s work involving species protection and ray breeding programmes, click below to visit our website:

The National Marine Aquarium (NMA) is the UK’s National Aquarium, located in Britain’s Ocean City, Plymouth. We are proudly the home of the Ocean Conservation Trust, a charity dedicated to connecting people with the Ocean.

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