OCT Learning Programme: Virtual Experiences
Our Virtual Learning programme has been developed to deliver the same high quality, industry leading standards of curriculum linked education as our Aquarium Visits programme, without the complications of leaving the classroom.
Our Virtual Learning experiences are available to student groups of any age, connecting them to the National Marine Aquarium as part of a formal curriculum.

Virtual Tours
Students enjoy an immersive under-water adventure as they journey across the world’s Oceans from the comfort of their own classrooms. Each tour is led by a member of our Schools Team who will guide your students around the exhibits, answering their questions and highlighting links to key stage specific curriculum topics and particular points of interest for those continuing their studies beyond the statutory National Curriculum.
Included your the experience:
- 90 minutes of interactive Q&A time with our one of Schools Officers
- Full access to all aquarium exhibit areas
- Exclusive downloadable content: 4 post-tour activities, aimed at different key stages plus ‘Sea Spotters’ sheet for younger audiences to use throughout the tour.
“The children (and staff) absolutely loved it! They were fascinated by what they saw and our Tour Leader was extremely knowledgeable and really enthusiastic, which the children loved!”
Alison Richardson, Year 4 Teacher, Allenton Community Primary School.

Click here to download further information about our Virtual Learning for Schools Programme, including detailed Learning Outcomes and National Curriculum links for each of our activities.
To book, or for more information: Call us at 01752 275 233 or email learning@oceanconservationtrust.org
The National Marine Aquarium (NMA) is the UK’s National Aquarium, located in Britain’s Ocean City, Plymouth. We are proudly the home of the Ocean Conservation Trust, a charity dedicated to connecting people with the Ocean.
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