Our Service Standards

Our purpose is to put the customer at the heart of everything we do. We have a range of Service Standards which apply across the whole organisation so that you are aware of what level of service you can expect from us.


  • We aim to inspire our visitors to connect and love the Ocean through fun engagement. 
  • Our staff will be polite, friendly, and professional and treat everyone fairly. 
  • We will always have staff present in the building to answer any questions. 
  • We will always try our hardest to meet the needs of customers with additional needs.  
  • Accessibility is at the core of our beliefs. You can find our accessibility guide here.  
  • Our team will always prioritise safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults during their visit and through digital platforms.   
  • Under no circumstances will we tolerate verbal or physical abuse to our staff.  


  • We will aim to contact you within 24 hours of receiving email or social media correspondence. 
  • We will aim to contact you within 3 working days of receiving correspondence by letter. 
  • If you leave a voicemail between 9am and 2pm, we will aim to return your call within 3 hours. 
  • If you leave a voicemail after 2pm or outside office hours, it will be returned the next working day by a member of our team. 
  • If your enquiry or complaint is about an issue we do not cover, we will give you the contact details of the organisation that can help you. 
  • Our correspondence will be written in plain English and will be easy to understand. 


  • We will deliver events, experiences and functions that put the customer’s needs first.  
  • We will provide a consistent quality standard that is (where appropriate) externally accredited. 
  • Our staff will be on hand to assist and create a friendly, welcoming environment. 
  • We will respond promptly to all issues brought to our attention. 
  • We will endeavour to work with third-party suppliers who share our ethos of working towards a healthy and thriving Ocean. 
  • Customer safety is of paramount importance to us and will always be prioritised.  
  • We will communicate clearly and will provide you with any relevant information in advance of your event, experience or function. 

The National Marine Aquarium (NMA) is the UK’s National Aquarium, located in Britain’s Ocean City, Plymouth. We are proudly the home of the Ocean Conservation Trust, a charity dedicated to connecting people with the Ocean.

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